CSDN II Outputs (2014-2017)
Discussion papers are intended to contribute to the overall CSDN by stimulating discussion and reflection on pertinent peacebuilding issues. It is envisaged that they will inform future CSDN events.
- Joining the dots from national to European level tools to implement UNSCR 1325 – Giulia Pasquinelli and Antonia Potter Prentice (2013)
- The impact of EU trade agreements on conflict and peace – Oli Brown (2013)
- National Dialogue Processes in Political Transitions – Dr Katia Papagianni (2013)
- Germany – Josephine Liebl (2013)
- From Principles to Policies and Practices: How can the EU fulfil its Commitments linking Peacebuilding and Development? – Ben Moore (2013)
- France – Nabila Habbida (2013)
- Challenges and Opportunities of Inclusivity in Peace Processes – Professor John Packer (2013)
Meeting reports are prepared for most CSDN meetings. They are intended to capture the main points of the discussions and the recommendations provided.
Policy Meetings
- Peace and Security in the Post-2015 Framework: What Role for Civil Society in influencing and implementing? (November 2013, Brussels)
- The UN Guidance for Effective Mediation: Translating the Fundamentals into EU Practice (November 2013, Brussels)
- Expert workshop on monitoring the implementation of the EU Comprehensive Approach to UNSCR 1325 (June 2013, Brussels)
- The EU’s Comprehensive Approach to External Action: Gathering Civil Society Input (January 2013, Brussels)
- Private Sector and Conflict (October 2012, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding and Development (October 2012, Brussels)
- EEAS Early Warning Tools (July 2012, Brussels)
- From Combatants to Statebuilders – Armed Groups in Participatory Peace Processes (February 2012, Brussels)
- Women, Peace and Security in EU Common Security and Defence Policy Missions and Operations (June 2011, Brussels)
- EU Support for Security Sector Reform: Learning from the EU Common Security and Defence Policy Missions and other EU support in Guinea-Bissau and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (May 2011, Brussels)
- Women’s Participation in Peace Processes (November 2010, Brussels)
- The EU, Peacebuilding and Situations of Fragility (November 2010, Brussels)
Geographic Meetings
- Guinea-Bissau: Peacebuilding responses to impunity and exclusiveness (June 2013, Brussels) (versão em português)
- European Union–League of Arab States co-operation and the EU response to changes in the Arab region: Views from civil society (June 2013, Valletta)
- Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région, et stratégie de l’UE : quelles actions prioritaires ? (May 2013, Brussels)
- Supporting Myanmar’s Evolving Peace Processes: What Roles for Civil Society and the EU? (March 2013, Brussels)
- Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Civil Society in Institutional Reform (December 2011, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding in Sudan and South Sudan: The Role of the EU (October 2011, Brussels)
Funding Instruments Meetings
- The Instrument for Stability: Informal consultation on 2014 programming (September 2013, Brussels)
- The Instrument for Stability: 2013 Annual Action Programmes and 2014-2020 Strategic Orientations (December 2012, Brussels)
- The Instrument for Stability: Annual Action Programme 2012, Strategy Paper 2012-2013 and Multiannual Indicative Programme 2012-2013 (December 2011, Brussels)
- Instrument for Stability (IfS) Crisis Preparedness Component Strategy Paper 2012-2013 and Annual Action Programme 2011 (January 2011, Brussels)
Early Response Meetings*
- Libya Conflict Assessment: Gathering Civil Society Input (July 2012, Brussels)
- Analyse du conflit et des interventions possibles de l’UE dans le nord du Mali (March 2012, Brussels)
- Conflict Risk Assessment and Possible EU Responses: Northern Nigeria and Boko Haram (February 2012, Brussels)
*Previously called Rapid Response Meetings and Crisis Response Meetings
Member State Meetings
- EU Common Foreign and Security Policy as a Peacebuilding Tool (March 2012, Madrid)
- Assessing the peacebuilding potential of CFSP and CSDP after the Lisbon Treaty (November 2011, Paris)
- Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans (June 2011, Bucharest)
- Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and Situations of Fragility (April 2011, The Hague)
- Conflict Prevention and the European Union (February 2011, Helsinki)
Key recommendations are intended to capture the recommendations provided in CSDN meetings, including suggestions for follow-up activities.
Policy Meetings
- Towards an EU Policy on Transitional Justice (April 2014, Brussels)
- The UN Guidance for Effective Mediation: Translating the Fundamentals into EU Practice (November 2013, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding and Development (October 2012, Brussels) (versione italiana)
- From Combatants to Statebuilders – Armed Groups in Participatory Peace Processes (February 2012, Brussels)
- Women, Peace and Security in EU Common Security and Defence Policy Missions and Operations (June 2011, Brussels)
- EU Support for Security Sector Reform: Learning from the EU Common Security and Defence Policy Missions and other EU support in Guinea-Bissau and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (May 2011, Brussels)
Geographic Meetings
- Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région, et stratégie de l’UE : quelles actions prioritaires ? (May 2013, Brussels)
- Supporting Myanmar’s Evolving Peace Processes: What Roles for Civil Society and the EU? (March 2013, Brussels)
- Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Civil Society in Institutional Reform (December 2011, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding in Sudan and South Sudan: The Role of the EU (October 2011, Brussels)
Member State Meetings
- Towards a comprehensive approach in EU external action: the role of France / Vers une approche globale de l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne: le rôle de la France (December 2012, Paris)
- Peacebuilding, Statebuilding and Situations of Fragility (April 2011, The Hague)
Background papers are prepared in advance of certain CSDN meetings.
Policy Meetings
- Lessons Learnt in Monitoring the Implementation of EU Women, Peace and Security Policy – Sarah Maguire (June 2013)
- The Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Business: Implementation in conflict-affected countries – Mary Martin (October 2012)
- Trade, investment and conflict – John Bray (October 2012)
- Extractive Industry and Conflict Risk in Libya – Ebtissam El Kailani (October 2012)
- Women, Peace and Security in EU Common Security and Defence Policy – Giji Gya (June 2011)
Geographic Meetings
- Guinea-Bissau: Peacebuilding responses to impunity and exclusiveness – Pedro Rosa Mendes (June 2013) (versão em português)
- Mapping of Myanmar Peacebuilding Civil Society – Charles Petrie and Ashley South (March 2013)
- The Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding: Southeast Asia in Focus – Sol Iglesias (March 2013)
- Civil Society and Institutional Reform – Dr Laura Davis (December 2011)
Member State Meetings
- Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention in the EU’s Neighbourhood: The Case of Ukraine – Roxana Cristescu and Denis Matveev (June 2011)
- Peacebuilding and the EU Enlargement Process – Dion van den Berg (June 2011)
- The EU as a Peacebuilder in Kosovo – Jitske Hoogenboom (June 2011)
- Cross-border Co-operation as an EU Peacebuilding Tool – Katharina Mathias, Geert Luteijn & Filip Pavlovic (June 2011)
For more information about CSDN publications, please contact Ben Moore.