Members' Publications
Members, please send any publications to Jack Kennedy.
Member organisations are listed alphabetically. For a full list of publications from each of our members, please consult their individual websites.
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Funding for Peace
- In October 2020, EPLO and seven other NGOs published a joint statement on funding for the Neighbourhood Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) and the Humanitarian Aid Instrument (HAI) in the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
Funding for Peace
- In July 2020, EPLO sent a letter about President Michel’s latest proposal for the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework to EU heads of state and government in advance of the Special European Council on 17-21 July.
Funding for Peace
- In June 2020, EPLO, together with eight other Brussels-based NGO networks (CAN Europe (enviroment), CONCORD (development), EaP CSF (Eastern Neighbourhood), HRDN (human rights and democracy), Cooperatives Europe, VOICE (humanitarian assistance), Eurodad (debt and development), and ENoP (political foundations) sent a joint letter on the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 to to EU heads of state and government in advance of the European Council on Friday 19 June.
Funding for PeaceAnnual Report 2023 (March 2024)
Funding for PeaceLetter addressed to future MEPs ‘The European Union as a Global Peace Actor’ (June 2024)
Funding for PeaceLetter addressed to HR/VP and Commissioners ‘Building Peace with the European Union’s Green Transition’
Funding for PeaceMapping of actors: The EU and peacebuilding (Updated in June 2023)
Funding for PeaceThe European Peace Facility: Minimising Significant Risks in Implementation (October 2021)
Funding for PeaceMapping of actors: The EU and peacebuilding (Updated in April 2021)
Funding for PeaceA new Africa-EU Strategy: Recommendations for EU support to peace and security in the framework of a renewed Africa-EU Partnership‘ (October 2020)
Funding for PeaceStrengthening EU Support to Peace Mediation (June 2020)
Funding for PeaceMapping of actors: The EU and peacebuilding after Lisbon (Updated in February 2020)