Civil Society Dialogue Network Videos

CSDN Videos are intended to provide inspiration to all CSDN stakeholders (i.e. civil society actors and EU policy-makers), to put a human face to their various activities and to illustrate the meaning of some of the key concepts which collectively constitute peacebuilding ‘good practices’ by using real-life examples. 

Videos help contribute to a broader constituency for peace, explaining what peacebuilding is, what individuals can do to build peace and the complex causal pathways among conflict drivers in an accessible way to a wide audience. 

CSDN videos include interviews with participants to CSDN meetings, documentaries and explainer videos. 

Follow EPLO’s Youtube page to know more about our previous videos and documentaries. 

EPLO - Latest videos

EPLO - CSDN animated videos

EPLO: How does the EUs framework promote peacebuilding?

EPLO: the Civil Society Dialogue Network

EPLO: Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: Good Practices and Recommendations

EPLO - CSDN documentaries

EPLO Documentary: Mariama

EPLO documentary: Marsabit