EPLO Events

EPLO Events

Brown Bag Lunch

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch events are 1 – 1.5 hour-long, informal round-table discussions on a wide range of geographic and thematic topics with relevance for the EU and its support for peacebuilding and conflict prevention. These events can be organised both in person and online. 

Participation in Brown Bag Lunch sessions is free and open to all, but registration is mandatory.

EPLO Events

Book Conversation

EPLO Book Conversations give the opportunity to peacebuilding practitioners to present their latest books. 

These events are  1 – 1.5 hour-long and can be organised both in person and online. Participation in EPLO Book Conversation sessions is free and open to all, but registration is mandatory.

EPLO Events

Learning Corner

The EPLO Learning Corner events are 1 – 1.5 hour-long, informal (online or in-person) round-table discussions on a wide range of issues related to the daily management of NGOs and on challenges all organizations might face. EPLO wants to provide its membership with a new space to exchange and discuss practical aspects that are usually not tackled during content-focused events and other kinds of gatherings. 

Participation in EPLO Learning Corner sessions is  limited to membership.

If you would like to present your project, research, your latest book in the framework of the EPLO Book Conversation series or have an open conversation in the framework of the EPLO Brown Bag Lunch sessions, please contact Carlotta Venza

If you would like to receive information regarding our next Brown Bag Lunch or Book Conversation events, please subscribe to this mailing list.