EPLO Letter – Building Peace with the European Union’s Green Transition

EPLO believes that the EU’s efforts to promote the green transition, expand its climate diplomacy, and implement the EU Joint Communication on the Climate-Security Nexus, present key opportunities to advance the EU’s priorities on conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

We are convinced that the EU is uniquely positioned to play a leading role on the world stage in responding to the challenges of climate change, environmental degradation and violent conflict in a more integrated, effective and sustainable manner. In this light, we would like to set out recommendations in four priority areas: 

  1. Provide adequate climate action and finance to fragile and conflict-affected contexts for a climate-just future 
  2. Ensure the conflict- and gender-sensitivity of EU climate actions and finance 
  3. Support civil society for initiatives across sectors 
  4. Develop the EU’s internal capacities for a more integrated approach 
