
The Role of Civil Society in the UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review 2025

Joint letter to the EC President

MFF Statement – Ensuring the EU continues to finance conflict prevention and peacebuilding after 2027

NGO Roundtable Meeting in The Netherlands  – Dutch Perspectives on Peacebuilding in a Changing Landscape of EU External Action

Keep Peace on the Agenda! – Peacebuilding at a crossroads ahead of the European elections

BLOG Peacebuilding in the new European Parlament

Peacebuilding in the new European Parliament: a bad moon rising

EPLO Letter – Building Peace with the European Union’s Green Transition

Letter to Future MEPs – The European Union as a Global Peace Actor

BLOG Standing up sgainst gender based violence

Standing up against gender-based violence? Mismatches between EU internal and foreign policy

Trends towards the defunding of European Peacebuilding: German ODA cuts as a case in point