EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Events

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch events are 1 – 1.5 hour-long, informal round-table discussions on a wide range of geographic and thematic topics with relevance for the EU and its support for peacebuilding and conflict prevention. Participation is free and (usually) open to all but registration is mandatory.

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TitleManaging Difficult Pasts in Transitional Societies: What We Can Learn from the Northern Ireland Legacy Act
DateWednesday 11 September 2024
Time12:30 – 14:00 CEST
LocationEuropean Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), Hive5 Saint-Michel office space (2nd floor), Cours Saint-Michel 30A, 1040 Brussels (Map)


Managing the legacy of conflict is an international concern and an ongoing dilemma for both national governments and supra national bodies. In this Brown Bag Lunch, Dr Sara McDowell (Ulster University) and Professor Joanne Murphy (University of Birmingham) will explore recent controversaries around ‘legacy’ in Northern Ireland and looks at the impact of this contestation from an EU perspective. In doing so, it explores three themes. The first of these is the role of Ireland as an EU member in conflict over legacy with a ‘third party’ country – the UK. The second is the impact of legacy legislation on ongoing EU funded projects focused on the development of peace and prosperity. The third is the impact of the NI legacy dilemma more widely on other conflict affected regions – especially those like Colombia where the EU has a particular interest and engagement.

Data presented and discussed is informed by an ongoing project which explores how community and public sector organisations are recalibrating approaches to legacy in the wake of the signing of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act (2023). The research suggests that top-down approaches to legacy have a profound impact not only on individuals and groups who suffered, but also on the community and public sector who are often tasked with implementing attempts to deal with the past.

RegistrationPlease note that this will be an in-person meeting and registration is mandatory. Please contact Carlotta Venza if you would like to participate.

Previous Events


12/12/2023: Peace in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus: Good Practices and Recommendations (Lorenzo Angelini, EPLO; Anna Penfrat, Nonviolent Peaceforce; Antonia Potter Prentice, Alliance2015)


22/06/2023: Burkina Faso After the Second Coup: Deteriorating Security and Shrinking Civic Space (Roger Minoungou, PAX)

15/06/2023: Leçons du Niger et du Mali : Promouvoir l’État de droit et la gouvernance inclusive comme impératif pour la paix au Sahel (Transparency International Defence & Security, Search for Common Ground)

08/06/2023: ‘A different kind of weapon?’: Nonviolent action and the protection of civilians (Felicity Gray, Nonviolent Peaceforce)


21/03/2023: Exploring flexible funding models for locally-led peacebuilding: the case of the ‘Local Action Fund’ (Harriet Knox-Brown,  Peace Direct, and Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi, HIVE.)


08/02/2023: An alternative security framework (Teddy Baker & International Catalan Institute for Peace)


24/01/2023: Kosovo-Serbia: Time for constructive voices (Peaceful Change initiative & CSO representatives from Kosovo and Serbia)

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