Member Organisations

EPLO has 54 member organisations from 17 European countries (13 EU Member States plus Kosovo, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom). EPLO’s member organisations are individual NGOs, networks of NGOs and think tanks.

EPLO welcomes membership applications from peacebuilding organisations. The next deadline for applications is Friday 31  January 2025.

Click here to download the EPLO Membership Application Form.

For more information about EPLO membership, please contact the EPLO Office.

Adapt Peacebuilding believes that the best solutions to conflict problems are locally-led. It works with partners to bring the necessary resources to these people, through high-impact methodologies that assist them to solve their own problems.


The Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote conditions to enable the resolution of conflict, reduce violence and contribute to a durable peace across Europe, its neighbouring countries and the world. AP is the first Italian organization specializing in peacebuilding. This allows us to occupy a unique role in the European landscape: on the one hand, we interpret and synthesize relevant topics for the benefit of Italian agencies and institutions working on peace and security; on the other, we highlight experiences, capacities and resources specific to the Italian system, which can contribute to the resolution of violent conflict.


The Berghof Foundation is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation supporting people in conflict in their efforts to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation and peacebuilding.


The Budapest Centre is a non-governmental entity which acts as an independent and impartial partner of governments, the United Nations, the European Union and other actors in sensitive circumstances, often characterized by mistrust and politicization.


The Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) works with armed actors and civilians in conflict to develop and implement solutions to prevent, mitigate and respond to civilian harm.

The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is an international research, advocacy, and consulting organisation established in 2016.


The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) is a Swiss-based private diplomacy organisation founded on the principles of humanity, impartiality and independence. Their mission is to help prevent, mitigate, and resolve armed conflict through dialogue and mediation.


Christian Aid Ireland is an international aid and development agency of the Protestant Churches of Great Britain and Ireland.

As part of the Christian Aid family, they work across 37 countries to support poor and marginalised people, whatever their beliefs, sexuality, gender or ethnicity, to lift themselves out of poverty.

Christian Aid Ireland has a special focus on 22 core countries, where they concentrate their efforts to best effect.


CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation is an independent Finnish organisation that works to prevent and resolve conflicts through dialogue and mediation. Founded in 2000 by Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari, we have since grown to be a leader in the field of international peacemaking.


Conciliation Resources is an international organisation committed to stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies.

We challenge the status quo to find creative approaches to addressing violent conflict. We believe in working collaboratively, over the long-term. By working together, we can make peace possible.


Concordis works alongside those involved in or affected by armed conflict, helping them find workable solutions that address the root causes of conflict and contribute to lasting peace and economic development. We’re committed to finding solutions that benefit women as well as men, those in armed groups as well as those who chose not to take up arms, national governments as well as civil society.


Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) aims to transform the international system of support to peacebuilding in a manner that puts local leadership first and changes the structures, attitudes, practices, and processes of collaboration between international and local actors working to promote sustainable peace at country level.


Cordaid is an internationally operating value-based emergency relief and development organisation, working in and on fragility. We stand with those who are hit hardest by poverty and conflict. We support them in their struggle to move beyond survival and to fully participate in equitable and resilient societies.


CSSP – Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation stands for mediative processes, transparency and democratic structures, all through which conflict can be transformed.

Their Integrative Mediation approach includes different schools of thought, works multi-track and engages multiple stakeholders, creating all-encompassing, participatory processes. This approach also shapes our internal structures. Our experience shows that when people of different perspectives, experiences and expertise collaborate, the most sustainable outcomes are achieved. Therefore, CSSP implements team-leadership decision-making within the organisation.


The Democratic Progress Institute (DPI) is an independent non-governmental organisation established in consultation with international experts in conflict resolution and democratic advancement. DPI seeks to promote peace and democracy building through strengthened public dialogue and engagement. We provide a unique programme model which combines theoretical foundations and expertise-sharing with practical approaches such as conferences and other platforms for exchange. Our work is supported by a Council of Experts composed of preeminent international specialists spanning from policy experts to academics and human rights practitioners.

We aim to broaden bases for public involvement in promoting peace and democracy. Our unique model combines expertise and research with practical inclusive platforms for dialogue.


The European Centre for Electoral Support is an independent, non partisan and not for profit Foundation headquartered in Brussels with a global remit. ECES was established at the end of 2010 and has implemented activities already in more than 50 countries, mainly, but not only, in Africa and the Middle East, primarily with funding from the EU and EU Member states.

ECES promotes electoral and democratic strengthening through the provision of advisory services, operational support and management of large projects mainstreaming capacity and leadership development via peer exchanges and comparative experiences, dialogue and the prevention and mitigation of electoral conflicts.


The European Institute of Peace designs and delivers sustainable peace processes and agreements. We provide practical experience, technical expertise and policy advice on conflict resolution.


The Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation (“IRENE”, meaning peace in Greek), was created by ESSEC in 1996 in order to gather researchers and practitioners interested in negotiation, mediation, stakeholders dialogue, and conflict resolution (academics, senior civil servants, elected representatives, managers and employees of businesses, trade unionists, social mediators).


The HALO Trust  helps countries recover after conflict. Clearing landmines, to save lives, is at the heart of what it does. It works with communities that are too often forgotten once the fighting has ended, a point reinforced by Princess Diana after her visit to Angola in 1997.


Humanity & Inclusion (the new name of Handicap International) is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. HI works alongside people with disabilities and populations experiencing situations of extreme hardship, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.


Independent Diplomat is a unique, non-profit advisory group in the world of diplomacy. Since 2004, ID has worked with disadvantaged and vulnerable groups to help them achieve their political goals through diplomacy. We provide advice and assistance in diplomatic strategy and technique to governments and political groups that are committed to human rights, democracy and international law.


Based in Barcelona and supported by a diverse range of donors and a prestigious Board and International Advisory Council, IFIT is an international non-governmental organisation dedicated to helping fragile and conflict-affected states achieve more inclusive and sustainable negotiations and transitions out of war or authoritarianism. IFIT’s core work is to provide independent expert analysis and advice on integrated policy solutions for locally-led efforts to break cycles of conflict or repression.


The Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH) emerged in the year 2000 with the purpose of bringing a new perspective to the debates related to the humanitarian and peacebuilding world. IECAH’s work focuses on three areas of specialization: Humanitarian Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Peacebuilding.


International Alert established its European headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, in November 2017 to better engage with European governments and institutions, including the European Union, in support of International Alert’s shared goal of building sustainable and inclusive peace.


The International Catalan Institute for Peace is a research, dissemination and action organization created by the Parliament of Catalonia in 2007 with the aim of promoting the culture of peace in Catalan society and internationally, and make Catalonia play an active role as an agent of peace in the world.

ICIP is a public institution but at the same time it is independent, with its own legal personality. It aims to support public administrations, the academic world and civil society, and reports to Parliament, the Government and the citizenry as a whole.


The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) works for justice in countries that have endured massive human rights abuses under repression and in conflict. ICTJ works with victims, civil society groups, national, and international organizations to ensure redress for victims and to help prevent atrocities from happening again.


The European Sites of Conscience Network (ICSC-Europe) is part of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, a global network of historic sites, museums and memory initiatives that connects past struggles to today’s movements for human rights. ICSC-Europe works to leverage the power of Sites of Conscience to engage their communities in the most pressing regional issues including migration, xenophobia and a rise in nationalistic sentiments in order to address these challenges and promote tolerance.


International Crisis Group

The International Crisis Group is an independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful world. Crisis Group sounds the alarm to prevent deadly conflict. They build support for the good governance and inclusive politics that enable societies to flourish. Crisis Group engages directly with a range of conflict actors to seek and share information, and to encourage intelligent action for peace.


Interpeace is an international organization that prevents violence and builds lasting peace. We have 25 years of experience working in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America.


The Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) is an independent policy research centre founded in April 2008 and based in Pristina, Kosovo. KCSS is dedicated to security sector development and reform in Kosovo and Western Balkans. It proactively promotes principle of good governance, integrity and resilience.


The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation promotes women’s rights in conflict-affected areas. It does so by supporting and cooperating with more than 100 local partner organisations.


The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) is an international peacebuilding organization that works in partnership with civil society in nonviolent conflict transformation.

Our approach is based on an understanding that conflict is a natural part of societies, with the potential for both constructive and destructive change, and that peace can only be achieved through the active involvement of the people that are affected by the conflict, and that their voices and their actions matter. LPI promotes inclusive community-based peacebuilding processes, with a focus on youth and women.


Mercy Corps is a global team of humanitarians, working together on the front lines of today’s biggest crises to create a future of possibility, where everyone can prosper. Mercy Corps Netherlands was established in 2017 and is an integral part of the global organisation. Based in The Hague, Mercy Corps Netherlands’ team focuses on supporting European-funded programmes across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; building new partnerships with stakeholders in the Netherlands; and working closely with policy-makers to ensure that research and programmatic evidence informs development cooperation and humanitarian policies and practices.


The Mines Advisory Group (MAG) is a global humanitarian and advocacy organisation that finds, removes and destroys landmines, cluster munitions and unexploded bombs from places affected by conflict.


The Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue (NCPD) is a knowledge center and meeting point for dialogue and conflict transformation. The center provides training courses and facilitates dialogue.


Near East Foundation (NEF) – Belgium and NEF share a common mission and approach to build more sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive communities in the Middle East and Africa through education, community organizing, and economic development.


Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) is a global civilian protection agency (NGO) based in humanitarian and international human rights law. Our mission is to protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies, build peace side by side with local communities, and advocate for the wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity. NP envisions a worldwide culture of peace in which conflicts within and between communities and countries are managed through nonviolent means. We are guided by principles of nonviolence, non-partisanship, primacy of local actors, and civilian-to-civilian action.


Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.

Our work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity and founding our asks in evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustice everywhere. Feminist approaches guide all our analysis, action and interaction.


Registered in 1998 under Bulgarian law, Partners Bulgaria Foundation (PBF) is an independent, non-governmental organisation (NGO).

PBF’s mission is to promote peaceful conflict resolution, citizens participation and social inclusion by supporting institutions, NGOs and professionals to improve policies and practices in areas like judicial law, social care, child protection, education, economic development and ecology. The organisation works to improve the dialogue between the citizens, the government and the business sector, while encouraging various underrepresented organisations, groups and ethnic communities to participate in the decision-making processes.


Pax Christi International is a Catholic peace movement with 120 member organisations worldwide that promotes peace, respect of human rights, justice & reconciliation throughout the world.

Grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken, Pax Christi International addresses the root causes & destructive consequences of violent conflict and war.


PAX is the largest peace organization in the Netherlands. PAX works to protect civilians against acts of war, to end armed violence and to build inclusive peace.


PATRIR is committed to a world in which conflicts are transformed constructively, through peaceful means – in which individuals, communities, countries and local, national, regional and international organisations and actors are empowered to address conflicts effectively, and work together to do so.

To transform the way the world deals with conflicts, working from the local to the global levels – in partnership with communities, countries, and national and international organisations – to make peacebuilding and the constructive transformation of conflicts the basis for sustainable peace.


Peace Direct is an international charity dedicated to supporting local people to stop war and build lasting peace in some of the world’s most fragile countries.


Peaceful Change initiative is a London-based NGO working to break cycles of violent conflict and build the mechanisms and relationships that support long-term peace.

The Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation is the leading network for the promotion of conflict transformation in German speaking countries. Since its foundation in 1998, it has linked together and strengthened the peace community and acted as its mouthpiece in the political arena. The platform members cover a broad spectrum of peace work. They come from areas such as conflict transformation, human rights and development cooperation, peace research, mediation, and the peace movement.


The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) brings a vision of peace, justice and equality to Europe and its institutions. We advocate for a new approach to security, focusing on nonviolent approaches to conflict. We promote policies that recognise the intrinsic equality of all people everywhere and reduce fear of the ‘other’. In addition to our staff in Brussels, QCEA is governed and supported by Quaker communities from across Europe.


SaferGlobe is an independent peace and security think tank, studying and developing tools for the promotion of lasting peace and security.


Saferworld is an independent international organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. We work with people affected by conflict to improve their safety and sense of security, and conduct wider research and analysis. We use this evidence and learning to improve local, national and international policies and practices that can help build lasting peace. Our priority is people – we believe in a world where everyone can lead peaceful, fulfilling lives, free from fear and insecurity. We work in 10 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.


Sant’Egidio BXL Europe is a worldwide movement of lay people, based on prayer, solidarity, ecumenism, dialogue. Sant’Egidio is deeply committed to human rights, cultural diversity, sustainable development and the rule of law as our actions show (in the field of peacemaking, fight against the death penalty, support to the registration of children at birth in Africa, work with the New Europeans, etc.)


Search for Common Ground is an international non-profit organization operating in 36 countries whose mission is “to transform the way the world deals with conflict away from adversarial approaches toward cooperative solutions”. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and Brussels, Belgium, with the majority of its employees based in field offices around the world including in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States.


swisspeace is a practice and research institute dedicated to advancing effective peacebuilding. Partnerships with local and international actors are at the core of our work. Together, we combine expertise and creativity to reduce violence and promote peace in contexts affected by conflicts.


Transparency International is a global movement working in over 100 countries to end the injustice of corruption. It focuses on issues with the greatest impact on people’s lives and holds the powerful to account for the common good. Through its advocacy, campaigning and research, it works to expose the systems and networks that enable corruption to thrive, demanding greater transparency and integrity in all areas of public life.


Un Ponte Per (UPP) is an international solidarity association and NGO founded in 1991 immediately after the Iraq war. Its focus has always been the solidarity for the Iraqi population affected by the war. Originally called “Un Ponte Per Baghdad”, the association later became known as “Un Ponte Per” after expanding its work into Serbia, Kosovo and other Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries. UPP’s goal is the prevention of armed and violent conflict, particularly in the Middle East, through a series of information campaigns, cultural exchange, cooperation projects, peace building programmes and the creation of social justice networks.


World Vision is a global Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. It was founded in 1950 by Robert Pierce as a service organization to meet the emergency needs of missionaries. In 1975 development work was added to World Visions objectives.
