In-country Dialogue Meetings
Capacities for inclusive peace in the Bangsamoro: Gathering civil society perspectives (June 2018, Manila)
For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO office.
Conflict-sensitive engagement in Uganda: Gathering civil society perspectives (March 2018, Entebbe)
For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Angelini.
In-country Dialogue Meeting – Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région : quel rôle pour la société civile et pour l’UE ? (September 2014, Bukavu)
For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO Office.
In-country Dialogue Meeting – Looking forward in Myanmar’s peace process: How can the EU and civil society provide constructive support? (May 2014, Yangon)
Final Agenda (Burmese version)
Background Paper: National Dialogue Processes in Political Transitions (Burmese version)
Background Paper: Ten Considerations for the Design and Preparation of National Political Dialogue Processes (Burmese version)
Background Paper: Excerpt: Q&A on Inclusivity in Peace Processes (Burmese version)
For more information about this event, please contact EPLO office.
In-country Dialogue Meeting – Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région : quel soutien la communauté internationale, en particulier l’UE, peut-elle apporter à la société civile congolaise ? (March 2014, Kinshasa)
For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO Office.