CSDN II Outputs (2014-2017)
Discussion Papers
Discussion papers are intended to contribute to the overall CSDN by stimulating discussion and reflection on pertinent peacebuilding issues. It is envisaged that they will inform future CSDN events.
- The EU and conflict prevention in Jordan – Dr Laura Davis & Fatima Ayub (March 2017)
- Assessing EU response to conflict: military action, diplomatic capacity and normative power – Catherine Woollard & Professor Bruno Coppieters (March 2016)
- The EU and peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Dr Laura Davis (February 2015)
- Peacebuilding in Ukraine: What Role for the EU? – Natalia Mirimanova (August 2014)
Meeting Reports
Meeting reports are prepared for most CSDN meetings. They are intended to capture the main points of the discussions and the recommendations provided.
Policy Meetings
- Implementing the Responsibility to Protect Principle: UN, EU and civil society perspectives (February 2017, Brussels)
- The 2015 Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Civil Society perspectives on the implementation of the security dimension (January 2017, Brussels)
- High-Level Seminar: Conflict Prevention in the EU Global Strategy: From Policy to Action (October 2016, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding in the EU Global Strategy: Gathering civil society input (February 2016, Brussels)
- The EU-wide Strategic Framework for Security Sector Reform: Consultation workshop with civil society organisations (December 2015, Brussels)
- The 2015 Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy: a peacebuilding perspective (June 2015, Brussels)
- The EU and Peacebuilding: Taking Stock (March 2015)
- Capacity building in support of security and development: Gathering civil society input (March 2015, Brussels)
- Youth in Conflicts: Agents for Peace or Recruits for Armed Groups? (December 2014, Brussels)
- Global Peace Index 2014: Peace, Institutions and Assessing Conflict Risk (June 2014, Brussels)
Geographic Meetings
- Nagorno-Karabakh: Continuing EU support for building peace – Gathering civil society input (May 2015, Brussels)
- Armed violence and capacities for peace in Iraq: Actors, causes, impact and EU responses (December 2014, Brussels)
In-country Dialogue Meetings
- Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région : quel rôle pour la société civile et pour l’UE ? (September 2014, Bukavu)
- Looking forward in Myanmar’s peace process: How can the EU and civil society provide constructive support? (May 2014, Yangon)
Funding Instruments Meetings
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – Consultation on 2017 programming (November 2016, Brussels)
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – Consultation on 2016 programming (October 2015, Brussels)
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – Consultation on 2015 programming (October 2014, Brussels)
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – Updates on programming; building links to other EU external financing instruments (April 2014, Brussels)
Member State Meetings
- EU Conflict Prevention after the EU Global Strategy: A Look at Mediation and Security Sector Reform (November 2016, Helsinki)
- The EU and the Netherlands’ engagement on fragility: Building on the 2030 Agenda (April 2016, The Hague, Netherlands)
- The EU, conflict prevention and peacebuilding: State of play and the role of civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) (October 2014, Vienna, Austria)
The EU in International Peacebuilding Meetings
- The 2015 UN Reviews: Civil Society Perspectives on EU Implementation (February 2016, Brussels)
- Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture: The perspective of civil society and the EU (April 2015, Brussels)
Key Recommendations
Key recommendations are intended to capture the recommendations provided in CSDN meetings, including suggestions for follow-up activities.
Policy Meetings
- The 2015 Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Civil Society perspectives on the implementation of the security dimension (January 2017, Brussels)
- Peacebuilding in the EU Global Strategy: Gathering civil society input (February 2016, Brussels)
- The EU-wide Strategic Framework for Security Sector Reform: Consultation workshop with civil society organisations (December 2015, Brussels)
- Towards an EU Policy on Transitional Justice (April 2014, Brussels)
Geographic Meetings
- Nagorno-Karabakh: Continuing EU support for building peace – Gathering civil society input (May 2015)
In-country Dialogue Meetings
- Mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région : quel rôle pour la société civile et pour l’UE ? (September 2014, Bukavu)
Member State Meetings
- The EU, conflict prevention and peacebuilding: State of play and the role of civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) (October 2014, Vienna, Austria)
Background Papers
Background papers are prepared in advance of certain CSDN meetings.
Policy Meetings
- Updating the Business Model for Conflict Prevention (October 2016)
- Conflict analysis and assessment: where are we now? – David Newton (December 2014)
- The European Union and Transitional Justice – Laura Davis (April 2014)
Geographic Meetings
- Armed violence and capacities for peace in Iraq: Actors, causes, impact and EU responses (November 2014)
Member State Meetings
- The Impact of Train and Equip initiatives on Security Sector Reform: A Brief Literature Review – Laura Davis (November 2016)
For more information about CSDN publications, please contact Ben Moore.