CSDN III Outputs (2017-2020)
Discussion Papers
Discussion papers are intended to contribute to the overall CSDN by stimulating discussion and reflection on pertinent peacebuilding issues. It is envisaged that they will inform future CSDN events.
- The European Union as a peace mediator – Natalia Mirimanova (March 2020)
- Peace Stories – Terri Beswick (May 2019)
- Civil society peacebuilding actors in Iraq (September 2017)
Meeting Reports
Meeting reports are prepared for most CSDN meetings. They are intended to capture the main points of the discussion and the recommendations provided.
Policy Meetings
- Climate change and violent conflict: Challenges and opportunities for the EU and civil society (December 2019, Brussels)
- Transitioning from war to peace: What role for the EU in addressing illicit economies (October 2019, Brussels)
- Unpacking the ‘Peace’ component of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus: Gathering civil society input (May 2019, Brussels)
- EU support to Women Mediatiors: Moving beyond stereotypes (March 2019, Brussels)
- EU support to Transitional Justice: a review three years after the adoption of the policy framework (December 2018, Brussels)
- Reviewing the EU’s conflict analysis practices: Gathering civil society input (October 2018, Brussels)
- The European Union as a Global Peace Actor: Exchange of views on the EU and conflict prevention (May 2018, Brussels)
- Preventing/countering violent extremism more effectively: Experience from the ground (October 2017, Brussels)
Geographic Meetings
- Conflict dynamics and drivers of peace in the Sahel region: Gathering civil society perspectives (in French here) (March 2020, Brussels)
- Conflict dynamics and peace drivers in the Lake Chad Region: Exchange of views with the EU (October 2019, Brussels)
- Capacities for inclusive peace in the Bangsamoro: Gathering civil society perspectives (June 2018, Manila)
- Conflict-sensitive engagement in Uganda: Gathering civil society perspectives (March 2018, Entebbe)
- An EU Strategy for engagement with Iraq: Gathering input from INGOs (October 2017, Brussels)
- An EU Strategy for engagement with Iraq: Gathering civil society input (September 2017, Brussels)
Funding Instruments Meetings
- Support to in-country CSO capacity building and initiatives in conflict prevention and peacebuilding (October 2017, Brussels)
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – Annual Action Programme 2018 and Multiannual Indicative Programme 2018-2020 (November 2017, Brussels)
- Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace – 2019-20 Multiannual Action Programme (Article 4) and 2019 Annual Action Programme (Article 5) & Implementation of Article 3 (December 2018, Brussels)
Key Recommendations
Key recommendations are intended to capture the recommendations provided in CSDN meetings, including suggestions for follow-up activities.
Policy Meetings
- Strengthening the EU’s Role in Mediation: Gathering civil society input (February 2020, Brussels)
- Transitioning from war to peace: What role for the EU in addressing illicit economies (October 2019, Brussels)
Background Papers
Background papers are prepared in advance of certain CSDN meetings.
Policy Meetings
- Climate change and violent conflict: Challenges and opportunities for the EU and civil society – Lorenzo Angelini (December 2019)
- EU Support to Women Mediators: Moving beyong stereotypes – Dr Laura Davis (March 2019)
For more information about CSDN publications, please contact Ben Moore.