Civil Society Dialogue Network

The Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN) is a mechanism for dialogue between civil society and EU policy-makers on peace and conflict. It is co-financed by the EU (Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe) and the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), and managed by EPLO in co-operation with the European Commission (EC) and the European External Action Service (EEAS).

The CSDN was established in 2010 and the fifth phase (CSDN V) began in 2023 and will last until 2026.

Most CSDN events take the form of dialogue meetings which bring together relevant civil society actors and EU policy-makers. They take place in Brussels, EU Member States and conflict-affected countries with EU presence.

In addition to organising dialogue meetings and training seminars, EPLO also produces various CSDN publications and videos.

Updates on the CSDN will also be disseminated via the EPLO Newsletter.

  • Click here to download the European Commission’s press release on the launch of CSDN I
  • Click here to download an overview of the CSDN
  • Click here to read all the publications from the first phase of the CSDN (2010-2013)
  • Click here to read all the publications from the second phase of the CSDN (2014-2017)
  • Click here to read all the publications from the third phase of the CSDN (2017-2020)
  • Click here to read the report of an independent evaluation of the first phase of the CSDN (2010-2013)
  • Click here to read the report of an independent evaluation of the second phase of the CSDN (2014-2017)
  • Click here to read the report of an independent evaluation of the third phase of the CSDN project (2017-2020)
  • Click here to read the report of an independent evaluation of the fourth phase of the CSDN project (2020-2023)

For more information about the CSDN, please contact Felicity Roach.

Latest Publications

Latest Video

The Civil Society Dialogue Network
Click here for more videos.

Latest Event


The Green Transition and Peace: Exploring Climate Crisis and Security Dynamics in Somalia

TypeGeographic Meeting
Date3 July 2024
Short DescriptionIn the context of the EU’s efforts to pursue and promote a green transition and to support climate adaptation as part of its external action and international partnerships, the overall aim of the meeting was to inform the EU’s efforts in Somalia on how its climate action and engagements with partners for a green transition are conflict-sensitive and actively contribute to conflict prevention and peace.

Specifically, the meeting sought to gather input on how the EU may:

  • Strengthen how EU climate actions in Somalia are conflict-sensitive and informed by conflict analysis, to avoid negative unintended consequences and to identify and pursue opportunities to contribute to peace;
  • Increase the climate-sensitivity of the design and implementation of EU peacebuilding and crisis response interventions;
  • Design and seize on green energy initiatives in Somalia to promote dialogue and co-operation;
  • Support the connections between environmental protection and restoration, inclusion and peacebuilding in Somalia;
  • Ensure that its green transition activities respond to human security challenges and benefit local populations.
Useful LinksFinal Agenda

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact Marie Lena Groenewald.

Previous Events

NGO-Round-table Meeting in Germany (April 2024, Berlin)

Final Agenda

Meeting communication

For more information about this event, please contact Marie Lena Groenewald.

Policy Meeting – The Green Transition and Peace: Good Practices and Opportunities for Sustainable Outcomes (March 2024, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Background Paper: ‘The Green Transition and Peace: Existing Initiatives and Experiences’ written by Svenja Wolter, Harriet Mackaill-Hill, George Grayson (International Alert)

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Angelini.

Policy Meeting – The EU and Gender-Responsive Conflict Analysis: Gathering Civil Society Input (September 2023, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Background Paper: ‘Gender-Responsive Conflict Analysis Frameworks: Existing Tools and Methods’ written by Dr Sophia Close

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Angelini.

Policy Meeting – The implementation of the EU-wide Strategic Framework to Support Security Sector Reform: Gathering Civil Society Perspectives (June 2023, Brussels)

Final Agenda (version française)

Background Paper: European “Security and Justice Sector Support”: on the way to better Security Sector Reform (version française) written by Delina Goxho

Meeting Report (version française)

For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO office.

Conference with Academics Feminist perspectives on peace and security in Europe (June 2023, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact Marie Lena Groenewald.

Policy Meeting – Enhancing EU Stabilisation Practice (February 2023, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO office.

Policy Meeting – The EU Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on Security Sector Support: Gathering Civil Society Input (February 2023, Brussels and online)

Final Agenda (version française)

Meeting Report (version française)

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Angelini.

Member State Meeting – EU Approach to Women, Peace and Security (December 2022, Stockholm)

Final Agenda

Meeting Report (Coming soon)

For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO office.

Policy Meeting – Water, Peace and Conflict: Exchanging on Opportunities and Best Practices (October 2022, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Angelini.

Policy Meeting – EU Engagement for Peace: Exchange with Civil Society Partners (October 2022, Brussels)

Final Agenda

Meeting Report

For more information about this event, please contact the EPLO office.

Training Seminar – Peacebuilding Advocacy towards the EU (September 2022, Brussels)

Final Programme

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Conti.

Geographic Meeting – Conflict Dynamics and Peace Drivers in the West African Coastal States: Gathering Civil Society Input (September 2022, Online)

For more information about this event, please contact Lorenzo Conti.

Related Pages

Click on the following links for more information about earlier CSDN events: