Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN) Policy Meeting
Water, Peace and Conflict:
Exchanging on Opportunities and Best Practices
27 October 2022
Meeting Report
The overall aim of the meeting was to exchange and to gather input on how the EU should enhance the way it addresses the linkages between the climate crisis, water resources, and peace and conflict dynamics, particularly in relation to mediation and issues of governance. The geographic focus of the discussions was the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and the Horn of Africa.
The meeting brought together 29 participants, including 16 civil society experts, 12 officials from the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC), and 1 official from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
The discussions were held under the Chatham House Rule. There was no attempt to reach a consensus during the meeting or through this report, which presents the key points and recommendations put forward by the civil society participants.
Click here to download the meeting report, including the summary of recommendations.
Click here to download the final agenda of the meeting.
Video Interviews
Building Peace and Protecting the Environment
The role of dialogue and mediation
The importance of inclusive governance
How should the EU support civil society?