EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – EPLO Brown Bag Lunch with the Crisis Management Initiative – Experiences with the Critical Friend method for Monitoring & Evaluation

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

For those of us working on peace, development and security, M&E is ultimately a way for organisations and funders to ensure that our engagements in already complicated, fragile and high-risk contexts are as effective as possible and avoid doing harm. The Critical Friend method emerged to respond to the limitations of traditional evaluations on effectiveness […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Peace and Stability Strategies for the Private Sector in Afghanistan

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

In the Joint Communication ‘Elements for an EU Strategy on Afghanistan’ published in July 2017, the European Commission and the European External Action Service emphasised the need to support economic development and regional connectivity (i.e. improving transit, transport and energy corridors). The Afghan government has been stressing the need for investment in the construction, transport […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – After the Summit: what’s next in post-Abidjan AU-EU relations in 2018?

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office Avenue de Tervueren 12, Brussels

Relations between the African Union (AU) and European Union (EU) are at a turning point in their history. The EU is pushing for a renewed partnership that entails an enhanced responsibility from its African partners, who in turn stress the need not to base the relationship on migration-related issues. The fifth AU-EU Summit, which took […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Early action and the Responsibility to Protect: exchange of views with civil society

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

The concept of Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) has become an important part of the normative framework related to peace and conflict. While its operationalisation remains a challenge, the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) and civil society organisations have developed new policies, tools and mechanisms to improve the use and effectiveness of this principle. […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Reducing Violent Extremism Abroad: What Works?

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office Avenue de Tervueren 12, Brussels

Over the past ten years, peacebuilding and development actors have developed a more sophisticated understanding of why young people, in particular, are driven to participate in (or resist) violent extremist groups. However, understanding those drivers is only the first step. There is also a pressing need to gather evidence of “what works” in reducing violence […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Training Central African troops on International Humanitarian Law – Lessons learnt for CSDP

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

The EU’s military training mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) was launched in July 2016. Its second operational objective is to ‘contribute to Central African armed forces (FACA) capability to become credible, accountable, ethnically balanced and under democratic control.’ The international humanitarian law (IHL) and prevention of sexual violence (PSV) component of the […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Unarmed Civilian Protection: Global needs, Opportunities and Challenges

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

It is a common assumption that only armed military or police can do the work of peacekeeping. However, unarmed civilians have been successfully ‘keeping the peace’ in situations of violent conflict all over the world, and their numbers are increasing. Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) is a growing field practice, implemented by more than 40 organisations […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – The Inside Story of the Conflict in Southeastern Ukraine

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

In the wake of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, unrest in the Donbas region grew into a war between pro-Russian rebel armed groups, seeking independence from Ukraine or unification with Russia, and the post-revolutionary Ukrainian government. Dr Anna Matveeva tells the story of the insurgency from the perspective of the rebellion, providing the detailed account of […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Conflict Sensitivity: Challenges, Opportunities and Gaps for Actors on the Ground

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office Avenue de Tervueren 12, Brussels

Over the past twenty years, the aid community has increasingly acknowledged how well-intended policies and programmes can actually do harm by increasing conflict. In response to this, conflict sensitivity has emerged as a set of principles and approaches which could help aid actors to mitigate the risk of their interventions and to leverage their potential […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Mainstreaming Human Rights and Gender in CSDP missions: the case of EUBAM Libya and EUPOL COPPS

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Last month, the Foreign Affairs Council adopted Conclusions on Strengthening Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), in which Foreign Ministers once again highlighted the importance of mainstreaming human rights and gender into all missions’ activities in order to improve their effectiveness. One of the key elements in translating this policy commitment into practice is […]