CIVIL SOCIETY DIALOGUE NETWORK EVENT – Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace 2019-20 Multiannual Action Programme (Article 4) and 2019 Annual Action Programme (Article 5) & Implementation of Article 3

The meeting is being organised in the framework of the Civil Society Dialogue Network (CSDN), with the support of the European External Action Service (EEAS), and the European Commission (Service for Foreign Policy Instruments and Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development) (EC). Its purpose is to gather input from representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) […]

Understanding OPSYS and it’s implications for the management of Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) grants

The European Commission (EC) is in the process of rolling out its new system for the management and monitoring of EU actions: OPSYS. OPSYS is ‘the new one-stop shop for the effective and efficient management of the entire EU external relations portfolio of projects and programmes (actions) throughout the project cycle’. As part of the […]

Expert meeting – EU support to women mediators: moving beyond stereotypes

The EU has made strong commitments to supporting women mediators, from the grassroots and community level to the highest diplomatic circles, through its funding instruments and most recently through the EU Strategic Approach to Women Peace and Security. The High Representative/Vice President is the EU’s most senior mediator. There is no apparent need for an […]

Support to women mediators: Exchange of views with High Representative Federica Mogherini

The EU has made strong commitments to supporting women mediators, from the grassroots and community level to the highest diplomatic circles, through its funding instruments and most recently through the EU Strategic Approach to Women Peace and Security. The High Representative/Vice President is the EU’s most senior mediator. This CSDN meeting will allow women mediators […]

Training Seminar on Peacebuilding Advocacy towards the EU

The training seminar will analyse the EU’s institutional capacity regarding conflict prevention and peacebuilding. It will enable the participants to increase their understanding of the EU as a foreign policy actor, learn about obstacles and potential of the EU to do effective peacebuilding and provide them with concrete examples of advocating for more effective policies […]

Civil Society Dialogue Network Policy Meeting – Towards a new EU strategic approach to support DDR: Gathering Input from Civil Society

Background In October 2020, the European Commission (EC) announced in its 2021 Work Programme that it would present “a new strategic approach to support disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of ex-combatants, which is key for ensuring lasting stability and peace in conflict-stricken countries and regions.” The current EU Concept for support to DDR dates from […]

Online Screening: MARIAMA

Join us on 22 June at 16:00 CEST for the online live screening of our new documentary 'MARIAMA'. 'MARIAMA' tells the story of Mariama Diomande, a young woman working to build peace in her community in the aftermath of Côte d’Ivoire’s post-election violence of 2010. The 20-minute documentary will be screened live on EPLO's YouTube […]

Peace Day Screening and Reception

To mark the International Day of Peace, the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) is pleased to host a film screening and reception on 21 September 2023. This event is organised under the CSDN mechanism in co-operation with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC). The screening will include two short EPLO documentaries produced in the framework of the CSDN: Marsabit (2020) and Mariama (2023). The two 20-minute stories share […]