EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – M & E Thursday Talk: Measuring Goal 16

'Measuring Goal 16' is part of a webinar series on M&E and Ethics in the Digital Age which DME for Peace are hosting. DME for Peace is a global community of practitioners, evaluators, donors, and academics who share best and emerging practices on how to design, monitor, and evaluate peacebuilding programs. Through greater collaboration and […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Expert roundtable: Invest in and Empower Women and Girls affected by Crisis & Fragility: Challenges and Practices from Yemen, DRC and South Sudan

European Parliament rue Wiertz 60, Brussels

World Vision Brussels & EU Representation is co-organising an expert roundtable entitled 'Invest in and Empower Women and Girls affected by Crisis & Fragility: Challenges and Practices from Yemen, DRC and South Sudan' together with Care.   Hosted by MEP Ulrike Lunacek, Greens, Austria Speakers Erica Hall, Senior Child Rights Policy Adviser, World Vision UK […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Pax Christi International Event on the human rights situation in the Philippines

Pax Christi International Office Rue du Progrès, 323, Brussels

Pax Christi International is organising an event with its member organisation from the Philippines on the human rights situation in the country. We regularly hear news about extrajudicial killings as part of the president's 'war on drugs', but what is the actual situation? What other human rights problems exist in the country? How can activists […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Towards the abolition of death penalty in the US? A testimony of Rais Bhuiyan

Chapelle de la Résurrection Rue Van Maerlant 22-24, Brussels

On the occasion of the international day ‘Cities for Life – Cities against the Death Penalty’ on November 30 Rais Bhuiyan will be coming to Belgium. He was a victim of anti-Muslim violence, but as a faithful Muslim he advocates for forgiveness and restorative justice. Rais Bhuiyan, born in Bangladesh and an Air Force pilot, […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Screening and panel discussion ‘In Pursuit of Peace’

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Avenue Jeanne 44, Salle Dupréel, Bâtiment S , Brussels

Nonviolent Peace Force is organising a screening of the film 'In Pursuit of Peace'. 'In Pursuit of Peace' is a feature documentary by Garry Beitel telling the stories of four people on the front lines of international peace initiatives. It explores behind the battle lines and experiences the challenges of peacemaking work, exploring how these […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – M&E Thursday Talk – Building Peace in the Plateau State

'Building Peace in the Plateau State' is part of a webinar series on M&E and Ethics in the Digital Age which DME for Peace are hosting. DME for Peace is a global community of practitioners, evaluators, donors, and academics who share best and emerging practices on how to design, monitor, and evaluate peacebuilding programs. Through […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Launch of Report: Governance mechanisms in opposition-held areas in Syria

Polit-Forum Käfigturm Marktgasse 67, Bern

Throughout the progression of the Syrian conflict, opposition groups have been mostly analysed from a geopolitical lens without an accurate study of the governance mechanisms they have set up. Indeed, standard approaches analysing rebel/opposition movements in civil wars often become entrapped in a reductionist approach, seeing them as greedy bandits rather than actors with a […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – M&E Thursday Talk – Making Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning a prime objective

'Making Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning a prime objective' is part of a webinar series on M&E and Ethics in the Digital Age which DME for Peace are hosting. DME for Peace is a global community of practitioners, evaluators, donors, and academics who share best and emerging practices on how to design, monitor, and evaluate […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Launch Event of ‘National Dialogue Handbook. A Guide for Practitioners’

Europasaal at the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Berlin

The Berghof Foundation and the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany are organising the launch event of the 'National Dialogue Handbook. A Guide for Practitioners'. It is the product of an intensive two-year project (2015 – 2017) by the Berghof Foundation, in cooperation with swisspeace, and supported by the Swiss Federal Department of […]