EPLO Member Organisation Event – How can Climate Risk Management be Strengthened in Conflict Zones?

The panel will explore how climate risk management can be strengthened in conflict zones and how conflict monitoring and analysis can be improved in regions experiencing climate fragility. Climate change's destabilising impact is increasingly visible across the globe, with more frequent and severe weather events and temperature extremes contributing to insecurity and conflict. While climate […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Observing and monitoring mechanisms in conflict de-escalation: Creative approaches, best practices and lessons learned

Third parties can play an important role in limiting violence in armed conflicts. Even if their intervention may not necessarily end a conflict, they can contribute to preventing further escalation and support de-escalation of violence. In this regard, third-party mechanisms can be particularly beneficial amid the preparation and monitoring of cessations of hostilities or ceasefires. […]

Member Organisation Event: Europe at a Crossroads

Speakers: Judith Kirton-Darling – Former Member of the European Parliament Jeremy Lester – Chair of Saferworld Board, QCEA’s outgoing Clerk and former leader of EEAS division for the Horn of Africa and Head of Delegation in Niger and Rwanda Clare Daly – Member of the European Parliament GUE/NGL Brief description of the event: 2022 will go down in history […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – COP27 Side Event: A spotlight on natural climate solutions

Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center Sharm El Sheikh

This panel with Q&A from the audience will showcase how landscape approaches offer a scaling-up pathway for proven land restoration techniques like FMNR and their contribution to achieving climate goals through: Bringing different stakeholders together to agree on and pursue a common strategy to achieve resilient, sustainable landscapes for climate goals Discussing opportunities and challenges […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: Digital Launch “Disrupting the multilateral order?”

On November 21 2022, Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy will be launching its new study and are excited to invite you to the online event! Over the last months, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) has conducted qualitative interviews with experts from academia, EU institutions, and multilateral institutions based within the EU to identify […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Climate change, environmental degradation and conflict

Across the world, climate change and environmental degradation have sweeping impact on local communities. In areas affected by ongoing conflict like the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and parts of the Middle East, they are causing mass food insecurity, displacing millions, undermining human security, and increasing the risks of further escalations. Meanwhile, conflict itself is […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: Nature as collateral damage? Environmental impacts of the war in Ukraine

Quaker House Square Ambiorix 50, Brussels

In partnership with the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, this event will provide a space for discussion on the environmental impacts of armed conflict, particularly in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. When analyzing the ongoing war, discussions tend to focus on human security, politico-military considerations, and, in the longer term, reconstruction of […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: No participation without protection

This event presents recent findings of a pilot study conducted by the Berghof Foundation and Fight for Humanity, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, on the role of armed political movements in Myanmar in the implementation of the agenda on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). The findings show that these movements and women’s […]