EPLO Member Organisation Event – Locally-Led Peacebuilding: The IFIT Brain Trust Model

The Institute for Integrated Transitions is pleased to invite you to Locally-Led Peacebuilding: The IFIT Brain Trust Model, the first online event to be held as part of the new 10 Peacebuilding Innovations series. This event brings together three recognised local leaders from Nigeria, Syria, and Venezuela who will share their first-hand lessons in bridging […]

EPLO Member Organisation – Thursday Talk on Mutual Protection with Kalaya’an Mendoza of Nonviolent Peaceforce

Unlike dominant approaches to “public safety” that rely on force & hierarchy, mutual protection isn’t paternalistic or patriarchal. And breaking from the assumptions many charities make about deservedness & need, mutual protection isn’t saviorism. It relies on relationships & recognizes the agency communities already hold to protect themselves while valuing what support they may need. […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – The Initiative on Apex Court Appointments: Filling the Gap in Guiding Principles

 The Institute for Integrated Transitions is pleased to invite you to The Initiative on Apex Court Appointments: Filling the Gap in Guiding Principles, the second webinar within the 10 Peacebuilding Innovations series. An apex court is the highest judicial body on constitutional matters in a country, often dealing with politically-charged cases that have foundational consequences for democracy […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Media under the Taliban: Restrictions and Violations

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and the Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) are delighted to announce the launch event of a research report on media in Afghanistan: Media under the Taliban: Restrictions and Violations. This research report investigates the situation of the Afghan media under the Taliban regime from August 2021 to July […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Steps to Peace

Date: 16-19 September 2022 Place: anywhere! Conciliation Resources works directly with people living amidst conflict to stop war and prevent violence. By taking part in Steps to Peace you can support local peacebuilders to find solutions to the conflicts which impact them. All money raised through this challenge will contribute to our newly launched Peacebuilding […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Climate finance and conflict dynamics on the road to COP27

With climate change, fragility and conflict challenges worsening, the role of international climate finance is more urgent than ever. From the implementation of climate finance and who it reaches to the rush for renewable energy, the inclusion of conflict analysis and conflict sensitivity principles often remain absent from climate finance discussions and planning. With COP27 […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Geneva PeaceTalks

Interpeace is pleased to invite you to attend the 10th edition of the Geneva PeaceTalks. Marking the International Day of Peace, the 2022 Geneva PeaceTalks will take place on Wednesday 21 September, from 4-5:15PM CEST in Room XVIII at the Palais des Nations and livestreamed online. The event will be followed by a reception at […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Where next for peacebuilding in Yemen: Reflections from a decade of political dialogue support

This year has witnessed significant shifts in the conflict in Yemen. A truce between Yemen’s internationally recognised government and Ansar Allah brokered by the United Nations in April is holding, resulting in the longest period of relative calm since the conflict began over seven years ago. President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, who had been in posit […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Nonviolent Approaches to Security: Perspectives from Communities Around the World

What Do Safety & Security Mean to You? Nonviolent Approaches to Security: Perspectives from Communities Around the World * * * If not military intervention (or militarized policing) when civilians are being threatened by violence, then what? You are invited to learn how communities are answering this question around the world, featuring: ✱ Sunday Stephen, […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – #GuerraContraPandillas en El Salvador: riesgos y resultados

In late March, El Salvador’s criminal gangs spearheaded a killing spree that left 87 people dead over a weekend. In response, President Nayib Bukele imposed a state of exception and launched a #WarOnGangs that has jailed over 53,000 alleged gang members in six months, elevating the country’s prison population rate to the world’s highest. Homicides […]