OTHER EVENT – Better learning for better results: Guiding steps for the design, monitoring and evaluation of peacebuilding programming

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

How can the peacebuilding field tackle the unique challenges of peacebuilding evaluation and learning? The Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC), the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) and EPLO invite you to a lunchtime roundtable meeting to present and discuss the PEC’s draft Guiding Steps for Peacebuilding. The document aims to help organisations to enhance how they conduct […]

OTHER EVENT – A Joint United Nations and World Bank Study: ‘Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict’

World Bank Group Brussels Office Avenue Marnix 17, Brussels

On Wednesday 21 March, the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, the United Nations and the World Bank Group are co-organising an event entitled 'A Joint United Nations and World Bank Study: ‘Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict'. Opening Remarks: Barbara Pesce-Monteiro, UN Director in Brussels Moderator: Sonya Reines-Djivanides, Executive Director of the European […]

OTHER EVENT – M&E Thursday Talk – Outcome Harvesting: A Solution for Evidence-Based Programming?

Join DME for Peace on Thursday, June 21st at 16:00 CET as Ian Morrison & Isaac Galiwango of USAID’s Supporting Access to Justice, Fostering Equity and Peace Project lead a discussion on “Outcome Harvesting: A Solution for Evidence-Based Programming?” Click here to register now This webinar examines the Outcome Harvesting Methodology used by the USAID’s […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – M&E Thursday Talk – Community-Based Participatory Research with Marginalized Communities

Join DME for Peace on Thursday, March 7th at 10:00am EDT, as Linda Stern of the National Democratic Institute (NDI)hosts the M&E Thursday Talks to lead discussion on “Community-Based Participatory Research with Marginalized Communities.” Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) engages those closest to the issues under evaluation as analytical partners. A form of participatory action research, […]

Consultation Meeting on the World Bank Group Strategy for Fragility, Conflict & Violence

World Bank Group Brussels Office Avenue Marnix 17, Brussels

Consultations led by Franck Bousquet, World Bank Group's Senior Director for Fragility, Conflict and Violence The World Bank Group is developing a new Strategy for Fra ankgility, Conflict and Violence (FCV). The overarching objective of the Strategy is to address the drivers of FCV in affected countries and their impact on vulnerable populations, with the […]

EDD High-Level Panel – Power, resources and participation: addressing inequalities for sustainable peace

Tour & Taxis Avenue du Port 86c, Brussels

Wednesday 19 June 2019, 11:30 - 13:00 Auditorium A1, Tour & Taxi, Avenue du Port 88, 1000 Brussels EPLO together with the European External Action Service (EEAS) would like to invite you toEuropEurop a high-level panel on ‘Power, resources & participation: addressing inequalities for sustainable peace’. This high-level panel will bring together the following personalities: […]

Geneva Peace Week 2019

Geneva, Switzerland

Geneva is a global hub for governance and international cooperation. It hosts 37 international organizations, a thriving community of non-governmental organizations and renowned academic and research institutions. It is also a diplomatic center with near universal representation of states. Together, all these actors work for peace, rights and well-being, touching the lives of individuals across […]

Other Events – Strategies to Put Crisis Prevention and Conflict Resolution into Practice

Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8-14, Brussels

Key-note speaker: Mr Rüdiger KÖNIG Director-General for Crisis Prevention, Stabilisation, Post-Conflict Management and Humanitarian Assistance, German Federal Foreign Office Moderator: Ms Sonya REINES-DJIVANIDES Executive Director, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) Since the publication of the EU Global Strategy in 2016 the conceptual framework for the EU's approach to external conflicts and crises has been further […]