Brown Bag Lunch: Transforming Partnerships in International Cooperation

For years, the peacebuilding, humanitarian and development sectors have grappled with how to decolonise attitudes and approaches across our work. Although there has been significant discussion and greater acknowledgement of the structural racism underpinning the sectors, it hasn’t been easy for all to identify what practical steps to take. Peace Direct has recently released a new […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: Accountability in times of crisis – Lessons from Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, civil society has undertaken unprecedented attempts to document atrocities and war crimes committed in Ukraine. It is the first time in history that such an attempt has been launched even while the war is still ongoing. In order to ensure accountability for war crimes, committed atrocities must be […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: PeaceTalks: Geneva Peace Week edition

The PeaceTalks is a global initiative that uses storytelling as a tool to build peace and inspire action. This special event will feature the stories of people from around the world and different backgrounds under theme the “Leadership for Peace” to show how we can all be leaders for peace. Leadership is about personal initiative […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – National Dialogues at crossroads

In the Berghof Foundation's event to launch the paper on “National Dialogues x Digitalisation” it will explore how digitalisation shapes National Dialogues and to what extent National Dialogues may contribute to shaping digitalisation. National Dialogues are nationally owned political processes aimed at generating consensus among a broad range of national stakeholders in times of deep […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: Growing Violence, Dwindling Aid: Rohingya Crisis at an Inflection Point

More than six years after more than 700,000 Rohingya fled Myanmar’s Rakhine State to Bangladesh, the now protracted crisis has reached an important inflection point. Conditions in the world’s largest refugee camp are worsening, with a spike in killings, crime and a four-fold rise in abductions compounded by dwindling humanitarian assistance. Many refugees have little […]

Book Conversation: Foreign Aid and Its Unintended Consequences

Foreign aid, be it humanitarian, peacebuilding or development support, frequently brings with it a range of unintended consequences. In his new book, ‘Foreign Aid and its Unintended Consequences’ Prof. Dirk-Jan Koch brings together his teams’ research and his personal experiences with the side effects of foreign aid. The book, which is aimed at development practitioners, […]