EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – Shaping the Future of Peace Training

Sigmund Freud University Freudplatz 1, Vienna

Shaping the Future of Peace Training in Europe and Beyond (1 and 2 October 2018 – Vienna, Austria) will bring together leading centres of excellence and key stakeholders in peace training, peacebuilding, stabilisation and post-war recovery in Europe and internationally. The aim of the conference and forum for policy and practice is to bring forward […]

EPLO MEMBER ORGANISATION EVENT – European Week of Action for Girls

The European Week of Action for Girls (EWAG) will launch in Brussels for a full week (8-12 October) around the International Day of the Girl Child. For this edition, as the European Parliament elections are approaching, EWAG focuses on advocacy by girls, for girls, in Europe and beyond. Girl advocates will gather in Brussels for […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Bridges of Peace

Fiera di Bologna Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazza Costituzione, 4/A, Bologna

The Community of Sant'Egidio will organise this year's Bridges of Peace event in Bologna, Italy, from 14 to 16 October 2018. Bridges of Peace is an event of peace and dialogue among faiths and cultures which takes place once a year. It is possible to follow the event in a number of ways: at santegidio.org, […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Discussion – Radicalisation of Migrant Workers in Central Asia: Perspectives from a Peacebuilding Organisation

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Earlier this year, Search for Common Ground, with the support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office in Bishkek and in partnership with the Royal United Services Institute, published a research paper entitled ‘Understanding the Factors Contributing to Radicalisation Among Central Asian Labour Migrants in Russia’. The paper explores linkages between economic alienation and […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: M&E Thursday Talk – Applying Adaptive Management in Human Rights & Peacebuilding Programs

Join DME for Peace on Thursday, November 1st at 10:00am EDT as Karol Balfe & Gráinne Kilcullen of Christian Aid Ireland host the M&E Thursday Talks to lead a discussion on “Learning to make a difference: Applying adaptive program management in governance, human rights, gender equality, and peacebuilding.” Click here to register now Christian Aid […]

EPLO BROWN BAG LUNCH EVENT – Peacebuilding and the road to EU integration for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: A women human rights defenders’ perspective

European Peacebuilding Liaison Office Avenue de Tervueren 12, Brussels

With a new reform-oriented government in place since May 2017, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (hereafter Macedonia) has emerged from its most severe political crisis of the last two decades. With democratic checks and balances being progressively restored, Macedonia seems to be on the right reform path. Cautious steps towards reconciliation with Greece are […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Peace Perceptions Poll 2018

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Conflict and violence appear on our screens every day. But what do people actually think about peace and conflict? How should we respond to conflict more effectively in order to ensure lasting peace? How important is economic and political inclusion for peace? And how optimistic or pessimistic are people about the prospects for peace? This […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Cobalt and Conflict Minerals: Europe’s role to promote peacebuilding in the DRC

Quaker House Square Ambiorix 50, Brussels

'Conflict minerals’ - which can be found in everyday objects from wedding rings to computers to vacuum cleaners - have traditionally fuelled the dire political and humanitarian crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). However, QCEA's report Building Peace Together has a section on the environment that demonstrates that the management of natural […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Stabilisation versus Peacebuilding: case studies from post-Daesh Iraq and the Middle East

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

The Global Coalition Against Daesh has set stabilisation as a major goal after the military “liberation” of Iraqi and Syrian territories from Daesh, and created short-term funding tools to this end. Meanwhile, since 2014, a huge number of Iraqi activists and ordinary citizens have taken to the streets in several waves of protests to demand […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Counter-terror and the logic of violence in Somalia’s civil war

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

‘Counter Terror and the logic of violence in Somalia’s civil war: Time for a new approach’ is a new publication written by Joanne Crouch from Saferworld’s Somalia team. The paper explores the effectiveness of the counter-terror approach in tackling conflict with al-Shabaab looking at it through two key lenses. The first is an overview of […]