EPLO Member Organisation Event – Human rights and conflict mediation: Exploring the link

The centrality of human rights in preventing conflict and promoting sustainable peace is broadly recognised and established in the United Nations Charter. They are a key tool of the international community to help prevent, manage or resolve conflict. But to what extent are human rights considered during peacebuilding itself? In this event, you will hear […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event: Impacts of the war in Ukraine on radicalisation and violent extremism in the Balkans and the Middle East and North Africa

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

In addition to its many other effects, the war in Ukraine has raised concerns about peace and stability in the Balkans. Given the extent of Russia’s economic and military power in the Balkans, its ongoing aggression against Ukraine risks exacerbating the existing political and ethnic divisions, which could contribute to violent extremism in the region. […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Consolidation de la paix dans l’est de la RDC: application de leçons apprises dans un contexte changeant

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

En 2020, le Life & Peace Institute (LPI) a publié les conclusions d’une évaluation collaborative de dix années de consolidation de la paix au Nord et au Sud-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Depuis, LPI s’efforce d’appliquer les leçons apprises dans un contexte marqué par des dynamiques de conflit complexes aux niveaux local, provincial, national et […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Transitioning to the future – What’s next for transitional justice in challenging times?

In the aftermath of the Cold War, there has been a growing willingness to address human rights violations and war crimes following periods of violent conflict or authoritarian rule. Transitional justice mechanisms, such as truth commissions, criminal tribunals and reparation programs have thus become crucial elements of democratisation and peacebuilding processes. Adapting to different political, […]

EPLO & Conciliation Resources informal discussion over lunch: Prospects for peace in Ethiopia

Conciliation Resources EU Avenue des Arts 24, Brussels

On 14 June, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced he had set up a committee to spearhead negotiations with the northern Tigray rebels, giving hope that direct talks between the two warring parties would begin by the end of this month. This follows smaller, unilateral steps by both sides over the last few months to […]

EPLO Member Organisation – Achieving a ‘Delicate Balance’: Victim Participation in International and Domestic Criminal Proceedings

The International Center for Transitional Justice and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs cordially invites you to attend a high-level conference addressing pressing questions regarding victim representation and participation in criminal proceedings at the International Criminal Court (ICC) and at the national level. The event will take place on Zoom, on July 6-7, 2022, from 14:00 to 17:30 CET/ […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Ukraine’s Resilience – Civil Society Practices in Response to the Invasion in Ukraine

Context: In the context of Russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, national resilience of the country has been of vital importance. Ukrainian society demonstrated unprecedented mobilization across the country defending lives, dignity, rights of all citizens and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The mobilization of Ukrainian society and the tightening of existing horizontal networks have become a model of national […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Nonviolence Cafe Series: Perspectives from Ukraine

Please join Nonviolent Peaceforce for a conversation with Ukraine Director, Felicity Gray, and Programme Advisor, Tetiana Gaviuk, on how NP is working with local community groups to address the ongoing civilian protection crisis. Since shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NP has been conducting a rapid program assessment as one of the only protection […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Locally-Led Peacebuilding: The IFIT Brain Trust Model

The Institute for Integrated Transitions is pleased to invite you to Locally-Led Peacebuilding: The IFIT Brain Trust Model, the first online event to be held as part of the new 10 Peacebuilding Innovations series. This event brings together three recognised local leaders from Nigeria, Syria, and Venezuela who will share their first-hand lessons in bridging […]

EPLO Member Organisation – Thursday Talk on Mutual Protection with Kalaya’an Mendoza of Nonviolent Peaceforce

Unlike dominant approaches to “public safety” that rely on force & hierarchy, mutual protection isn’t paternalistic or patriarchal. And breaking from the assumptions many charities make about deservedness & need, mutual protection isn’t saviorism. It relies on relationships & recognizes the agency communities already hold to protect themselves while valuing what support they may need. […]