EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – EU National Action Plans for Women, Peace and Security – Emphasizing Civil Society Engagement and Regional Collaboration?


Of the 27 EU Member States, 24 currently have National Action Plans (NAPs) for implementing their commitments as part of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). Given that each country context in relation to the WPS agenda varies, and that countries may be on their first or fourth ‘generations’ […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Conflict Prevention and Global Megatrends: Preparing for a hotter, increasingly digital and fragmented 2030


With record numbers of armed conflicts around the world and an uneven recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict prevention endeavors currently face a particularly challenging environment. Looking ahead, three phenomena are expected to increasingly influence societies across the globe: climate change, digitalisation and the fragmentation of power structures. How will these three global megatrends affect […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – How to prevent and mitigate hate and misinformation online?

Online hate and misinformation pose serious threats to human rights, freedom of expression and social cohesion. Growing xenophobia, racism, intolerance, and spreading of content that stigmatises and dehumanises refugees, women, and other vulnerable groups contribute to hate crimes as well as acts of violence and conflicts. I Am Here International aims to create an internet […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Rebalancing the power dynamics between civil society and policy-makers in Europe

Civil society remains the key bastion defending and advancing human rights and monitoring the implementation of states’ commitments to rights and values. However, the space for civil society to function is shrinking globally. Non-profit expertise is often requested and not paid or underpaid by government actors and institutions, whilst for-profit expertise and consulting is paid […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Second Karabakh War: One Year On – Gendered Elements of Rehabilitation and Recovery

One year since the Second Karabakh War, numerous questions and unresolved challenges remain, both for Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as for Georgia and the entire region. The conflict has precipitated (geo)political, social, and economic change and left much uncertainty in its wake. The interplay of Russian, Turkish, and Iranian factors on this chessboard complicates […]

Brown Bag Lunch – Violence, Peace and Drugs: Policy and Practice Recommendations for the European Union

This event will look at how illicit drug economies function in borderlands regions, and at the ways in which they connect with violence, conflict and peace. The speakers will present a report with findings from research carried out to understand transitions from war to peace economies in drugs-affected borderlands in Afghanistan, Colombia and Myanmar. The […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event: Time to decolonise peacebuilding

One year ago, Peace Direct, in collaboration with Adeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding, and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security, published a report on 'Time to Decolonise Aid', which examined structural racism in the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors. Building upon these findings, Peace Direct recently published a second report focusing on 'Race, Power and […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event: Impacts of the war in Ukraine on radicalisation and violent extremism in the Balkans and the Middle East and North Africa

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

In addition to its many other effects, the war in Ukraine has raised concerns about peace and stability in the Balkans. Given the extent of Russia’s economic and military power in the Balkans, its ongoing aggression against Ukraine risks exacerbating the existing political and ethnic divisions, which could contribute to violent extremism in the region. […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Consolidation de la paix dans l’est de la RDC: application de leçons apprises dans un contexte changeant

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

En 2020, le Life & Peace Institute (LPI) a publié les conclusions d’une évaluation collaborative de dix années de consolidation de la paix au Nord et au Sud-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Depuis, LPI s’efforce d’appliquer les leçons apprises dans un contexte marqué par des dynamiques de conflit complexes aux niveaux local, provincial, national et […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch discussion: Analysing and responding to the effects of climate change on conflict: Lessons learned in engaging communities and civil society

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

In recent years, the European Union (EU) and other international actors have explicitly recognised the importance of addressing the interlinkages between climate change and conflict. As highlighted in its Concept for an Integrated Approach on Climate Change and Security (2021), the EU has also made clear that ‘community engagement and community ownership’ should be ‘central’ to efforts […]