EPLO Brown Bag Lunch – Diaspora participation in Colombia’s Truth Commission

The Colombian Truth Commission was established in 2019 to respond to the rights of over 8 million people who the State acknowledges to be victims of the armed conflict. Thousands of these victims fled the country and are now living in Europe. The Truth Commission has an unprecedented mandate of engaging with the diaspora and […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – The role of young women and men in regional crisis resolution efforts: Lessons from the Lake Chad and Sahel regions


The populations in the Sahel and Lake Chad Basin (LCB) regions face a range of challenges and threats to their human security due to ongoing conflicts and crises. In particular, young women and men under the age of 25, who make up about two thirds of the population living in the regions, face frequent exposure […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Working in the Pandemic: Lessons learned from an online dialogue programme on the Women, Peace and Security agenda


Last year was supposed to be a moment of celebration and reflection for the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda, as it marked the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. Yet, the COVID-19 crisis spoiled these plans and, more importantly, created—or rather compounded—challenges to the Agenda around the world. As […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Creating Clarity in Conflict? Integrating Organisational Development into the Peacebuilding World


In peacebuilding and conflict transformation processes, organisations working in and on conflict suffer from ‘shrinking spaces’ by governmental, business, or far-right activities, and develop maladaptive coping practices such as overplanning, reactivity, siege mentality or utopian visions. How should donors react to this? Based on his article entitled ‘Creating Clarity in Conflict?’, Torge Kuebler will discuss […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Maximising the role of business in fragile and conflict-affected environments: Women’s contributions to peace


Women's economic inclusion is central to realising women's rights, gender equality, and the meaningful participation of women in peace and transition processes. In this Virtual Brown Bag Lunch, we will examine the role of business in strengthening women's economic inclusion and their contributions to peace. We will also reflect on how the European Union may […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – The Principles for Peace initiative


The international community faces an era of alarming, prolonged and recurrent conflict. The persistent increase in violent conflicts underlines the pressing need to re-imagine and reshape our collective approaches to building and sustaining peace. Many peace agreements fall apart or are not implemented at all; we urgently need a new framework of principles and standards […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – COVID-19 and conflict: New evidence of dynamics in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Colombia


As the world continues to grapple with the direct and indirect consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding its impact on peace and conflict has become a political, humanitarian, and development imperative. To account for the possible effects of COVID-19 on overall conflict dynamics, Mercy Corps undertook research using a systems-level approach in three conflict-affected countries: […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Seizing the Moment and Pursuing Systems Change for Locally-led Peacebuilding


As peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts are challenged by an increasing number of conflicts, experts and practitioners are advocating for re-examining the architecture of international support to peacebuilding, and developing a more sustainable approach. Key international institutions have now recognised that local actors hold the key to sustainable peace in their own communities. At this […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Monitoring, Evaluation and Evidence in Transitional Justice Processes


Transitional justice processes are politically sensitive and complex, and do not develop in a linear fashion. They present unique theoretical and practical challenges for measuring results, including on gathering data, registering unintended outcomes, reporting progress, providing feedback on interventions, and extracting useful information to assess impacts or establish counterfactuals. At the same time, donors in […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – EU National Action Plans for Women, Peace and Security – Emphasizing Civil Society Engagement and Regional Collaboration?


Of the 27 EU Member States, 24 currently have National Action Plans (NAPs) for implementing their commitments as part of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). Given that each country context in relation to the WPS agenda varies, and that countries may be on their first or fourth ‘generations’ […]