EPLO Member Organisation Event – M&E Thursday Talk – Creating Connections in the Time of Covid-19


Join DME for Peace on Thursday, February 18th, at 16:00 CET, as Jack Farrell, Manager of Partnerships & Strategic Innovation at Search for Common Ground, joins the M&E Thursday Talks to lead a discussion on “Creating Connections in the Time of Covid-19”. Covid-19 has demonstrated the importance of connection in our daily lives. Connection to […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – The Missing Peace: Youth, Peace and Security

Welcome to this new seminar series exploring the positive contribution of youth to peace. Every 6-8 weeks, an online platform will be created for young leaders to share their experience from around the world. The seminar series is a partnership between Ulster University (INCORE & TJI), The John and Pat Hume Foundation, John Hume and […]

Other Events – Crossing borders, crossing paths: Tools for preventing conflicts over transhumance in the Sudano-Sahel


From Mali to South Sudan, conflicts between farmers and migrating cattle herders have fueled violent atrocities, increased food insecurity, and endangered the livelihoods of the hundreds of millions who depend on livestock production. Cattle migration and trade across borders have long been links that connect African communities and economies across religion and ethnic groups, but […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Using Video Games to Build Peace

Join us on Thursday, March 11th, at 16:00 CET, as Dr. Dudi Peles, Co-Founder of Games for Peace, joins the M&E Thursday Talks to lead a discussion on "Using Video Games to Build Peace." Click here to register Children everywhere love to play games and video games in particular have become widely popular in recent […]

Other Event – Civilian Safety in Armed Conflict: Strategies and approaches for direct prevention of violence


In this first of two webinars exploring existing efforts to improve the safety of civilians during armed conflict, we will be discussing “primary” prevention programs, which focus on advocacy, armed actor behavior change, and direct engagement with armed actors, either by the humanitarian organization or by facilitating this engagement by communities. We will hear from […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Real Talk: the Hard Choices that Women Peacebuilders Face


Women all over the world are dedicating their lives to building peace and ending violence. But while their impact gets the spotlight, their challenges, sacrifices, and personal hardships often do not. What hard choices do they face? What do they choose? On occasion of Women’s History Month, we are tackling these questions at an interactive […]

Other Events – Strengthening Gender-Sensitive Conflict Analysis


The European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, together with Conciliation Resources and Saferworld, would like to invite you to participate in an online participatory workshop entitled ‘Strengthening gender-sensitive conflict analysis’. The workshop will take place from 11:00 to 12:30 CEST (Brussels time) on Wednesday 31 March 2021 and from 11:00 to 13:00 CEST (Brussels time) on Thursday 1 April 2021 via the online platform Zoom. This workshop will aim to present elements of the guide recently co-published by […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Answering the Difficult Questions


We are meeting to talk about engaging with people about the arms trade. We will all have different experience, whether we talk to European policymakers, arms traders, colleagues, neighbours or our own families. The conversation will be hosted by Atiaf Alwazir from the Quaker Council for European Affairs. We will hear from Laëtitia Sédou (European […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Livestock, Migration, & Conflict: Tools for Designing Interventions


Cattle migration and trade across borders has long been a link that connects African communities and economies across religions and ethnic groups, but livestock production systems are being threatened by erratic rainfall, land tenure reform, and insecurity. From Mali to South Sudan, conflicts between farmers and migrating cattle herders have fueled violent atrocities, increased food […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Creating Clarity in Conflict? Integrating Organisational Development into the Peacebuilding World


In peacebuilding and conflict transformation processes, organisations working in and on conflict suffer from ‘shrinking spaces’ by governmental, business, or far-right activities, and develop maladaptive coping practices such as overplanning, reactivity, siege mentality or utopian visions. How should donors react to this? Based on his article entitled ‘Creating Clarity in Conflict?’, Torge Kuebler will discuss […]