EPLO Member Organisation Event: Lebanon’s forgotten crises – The role of the state, political movements and the international community

The situation in Lebanon has drastically deteriorated in the past few years. The majority of the population lives in poverty, the health care sector is crumbling, and public service provision is lacking. The national currency has lost more than 95 per cent of its value since 2019, people have lost their savings and the country […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Peace Research Colloquium

swisspeace, the Department of Social Sciences, and the Institute of Political Science are hosting a bi-weekly «peace research colloquium» open to all members of the University and all other interested parties. Every other week they will host a scholar to present findings from recent peace research and recently published books and articles and discuss the […]

Leçons du Niger et du Mali : Promouvoir l’État de droit et la gouvernance inclusive comme impératif pour la paix au Sahel

Quaker House Square Ambiorix 50, Brussels

Malgré un engagement soutenu et des investissements importants de la part des partenaires internationaux et des États de la région, la situation au Sahel n'a cessé de se détériorer. La flambée des budgets pour les dépenses de sécurité n'a pas entraîné de sécurité ou de protection accrues pour les populations, tandis que des institutions faibles […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Burkina Faso After the Second Coup: Deteriorating Security and Shrinking Civic Space

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Current interim leader of Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, swept to power following the country’s second coup d’état within the space of eight months in September 2022. Since assuming the role of transition leader, Traoré has made addressing the deteriorating security situation in the country his principal priority. According to numerous reports, the Burkinabè government struggles to control up […]

Online Screening: MARIAMA

Join us on 22 June at 16:00 CEST for the online live screening of our new documentary 'MARIAMA'. 'MARIAMA' tells the story of Mariama Diomande, a young woman working to build peace in her community in the aftermath of Côte d’Ivoire’s post-election violence of 2010. The 20-minute documentary will be screened live on EPLO's YouTube […]

Peace Day Screening and Reception

To mark the International Day of Peace, the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) is pleased to host a film screening and reception on 21 September 2023. This event is organised under the CSDN mechanism in co-operation with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission (EC). The screening will include two short EPLO documentaries produced in the framework of the CSDN: Marsabit (2020) and Mariama (2023). The two 20-minute stories share […]

Brown Bag Lunch: Transforming Partnerships in International Cooperation

For years, the peacebuilding, humanitarian and development sectors have grappled with how to decolonise attitudes and approaches across our work. Although there has been significant discussion and greater acknowledgement of the structural racism underpinning the sectors, it hasn’t been easy for all to identify what practical steps to take. Peace Direct has recently released a new […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event: Accountability in times of crisis – Lessons from Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Ukraine war, civil society has undertaken unprecedented attempts to document atrocities and war crimes committed in Ukraine. It is the first time in history that such an attempt has been launched even while the war is still ongoing. In order to ensure accountability for war crimes, committed atrocities must be […]