2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development

SIPRI is proud to host the 2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development on the theme ‘From a Human Security Crisis Towards an Environment of Peace’. This year’s Forum will explore ways to enable an environment of peace in the face of converging crises. Against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and coinciding […]

EPLO Member Organisation – A 21st Century Approach to Peace

The economic drivers of conflict, growing polarisation, proxy and hybrid warfare, and the effects of climate change are exacerbating regional and local tensions and stoking conflict dynamics. Security challenges affect most regions. The war in Ukraine is further complicating an already complex global landscape. There are 56 active conflicts ongoing. Discontent, unpredictability, and insecurity are […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Prioritizing Protection of Civilians and Inclusive National Ownership in Peacekeeping Transitions

In order to strengthen the link between peacekeeping and peacebuilding, the UN Security Council adopted UNSCR 2594 (2021). This resolution mandated UN peace operations to prioritize inclusive national and local ownership, coherent and integrated planning and coordination, and engagement with civil society, including women and youth, among other stakeholders in their drawdown and transition. During […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Diplomacia europea en la construcción de paz y la seguridad en África

El ICIP organiza el seminario de trabajo “Diplomacia europea en la construcción de paz y la seguridad en África: problemas, aprendizajes y desafíos del papel de la UE en Somalia“, el próximo martes 24 de mayo, a las 18:00h. Será una sesión con el ex embajador de la Unión Europea en Somalia entre 2019 y 2021, Nicolás Berlanga Martínez. […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Environmental Pathways For Reconciliation in Yemen

Where: 2022 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development and online (register online) When: Wednesday 25 May at 10.30-11.30 CEST This session explores the conflict in Yemen with a particular focus on its environmental dimensions. It puts emphasis on why it is important and indeed possible to consult in more depth about the needs, rights and […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event: Time to decolonise peacebuilding

One year ago, Peace Direct, in collaboration with Adeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding, and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security, published a report on 'Time to Decolonise Aid', which examined structural racism in the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors. Building upon these findings, Peace Direct recently published a second report focusing on 'Race, Power and […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Online event: Breaking the vicious cycle – How can anti-corruption be integrated in peace processes? Launch event

Corruption and violent conflict are interlinked in deep and complex ways. In this online panel discussion, the Berghof Foundation will talk about why conflict transformation needs to contain an understanding of the political economy of violent conflict and corruption. How can peacebuilders identify ways to reduce corruption’s long-term impact on the inclusivity and sustainability of […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Geographic information system (GIS) for Peace

Geographic information system (GIS), mapping & satellite imagery analysis could have a massive potential for advancing peace processes. Data Science for Sustainable Development (DSSD), the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) & ESRI are working to understand current limitations & best practices for peacebuilders & those working in conflict-affected contexts. Join Laura Mills & Joshua Panganiban from […]