EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Decolonising peacebuilding in Africa

As the wider development and humanitarian sectors have been calling for decolonisation as a means to achieve more equitable responses, in recent times the peacebuilding field has also begun a similar reflection. Based on her experience working in Africa and writing on feminist peace, in this virtual Brown Bag Lunch discussion, Helen Kezie-Nwoha will share her perspective on […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Supporting community-led peacebuilding efforts in Myanmar

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Following the military coup of February 2021 in Myanmar, there has been a strong backlash and persecution of pro-democracy activists and civil society actors, in addition to continued armed conflicts between the military and ethnic armed organisations. Despite a severely restricted civic space and great risk to their lives, formal and informal local civil society actors […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Ulaanbaatar Process: A Civil Society Approach to Building Peace in Northeast Asia

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

The 'Ulaanbaatar Process: A Civil Society Approach to Building Peace in Northeast Asia' is a unique civil society dialogue for peace and stability in Northeast Asia, coordinated by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), Peace Boat, and Blue Banner. The process promotes effective regional Track 2 dialogue, and is the only standing platform […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Kosovo-Serbia: Time for constructive voices

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

2022 has been a year of perpetual crisis in relations between Kosovo and Serbia, culminating in barricades and mass resignations by Kosovo Serbs in the north from Kosovo institutions. Whilst the EU and US believe there is an important window of opportunity to finalise an agreement on the normalisation of relations, recent tensions have undermined […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – An alternative security framework


Security discourses have traditionally been linked to the defence of the integrity and political stability of states. However, in recent decades, critical approaches have located the roots of insecurity in other issues – the unequal distribution of resources, discrimination based on sex or race, climate change, etc. Moreover, the traditional understandings of the discipline are […]

Leçons du Niger et du Mali : Promouvoir l’État de droit et la gouvernance inclusive comme impératif pour la paix au Sahel

Quaker House Square Ambiorix 50, Brussels

Malgré un engagement soutenu et des investissements importants de la part des partenaires internationaux et des États de la région, la situation au Sahel n'a cessé de se détériorer. La flambée des budgets pour les dépenses de sécurité n'a pas entraîné de sécurité ou de protection accrues pour les populations, tandis que des institutions faibles […]

EPLO Brown Bag Lunch Event – Burkina Faso After the Second Coup: Deteriorating Security and Shrinking Civic Space

EPLO office Hive5 Saint-Michel, Cours Saint-Michel 30B, Brussels

Current interim leader of Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, swept to power following the country’s second coup d’état within the space of eight months in September 2022. Since assuming the role of transition leader, Traoré has made addressing the deteriorating security situation in the country his principal priority. According to numerous reports, the Burkinabè government struggles to control up […]

Brown Bag Lunch: Transforming Partnerships in International Cooperation

For years, the peacebuilding, humanitarian and development sectors have grappled with how to decolonise attitudes and approaches across our work. Although there has been significant discussion and greater acknowledgement of the structural racism underpinning the sectors, it hasn’t been easy for all to identify what practical steps to take. Peace Direct has recently released a new […]

Book Conversation: Foreign Aid and Its Unintended Consequences

Foreign aid, be it humanitarian, peacebuilding or development support, frequently brings with it a range of unintended consequences. In his new book, ‘Foreign Aid and its Unintended Consequences’ Prof. Dirk-Jan Koch brings together his teams’ research and his personal experiences with the side effects of foreign aid. The book, which is aimed at development practitioners, […]

Book Conversation: Rethinking Illicit Economies In Opium And Cocaine

Illicit economies in opium and cocaine are generally regarded only as criminological problems to be solved mainly by law enforcement – which may be why sustainable solutions remain elusive. In his new book ‘Rethinking Illicit Economies in Opium and Cocaine: Policy Responses to Drug Crops in the Global South’, Dr Eric D. U. Gutierrez opens […]