EPLO Brown Bag Lunch – Diaspora participation in Colombia’s Truth Commission

The Colombian Truth Commission was established in 2019 to respond to the rights of over 8 million people who the State acknowledges to be victims of the armed conflict. Thousands of these victims fled the country and are now living in Europe. The Truth Commission has an unprecedented mandate of engaging with the diaspora and […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Understanding Online Polarisation in Kenya: A Digital Peacebuilding Perspective

Join DME for Peace on Thursday, July 16th at 4 pm EDT, as Fredrick Ogenga, Founding Director of the Center for Media, Democracy, Peace & Security, joins the M&E Thursday Talks to lead a discussion on “Understanding Online Polarization in Kenya: A Digital Peacebuilding Perspective." In this discussion, we will explore the importance of understanding […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – What is meaningful participation in the global peacebuilding policy space: Analysing Local-to-Global Engagement

The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) invites you to a virtual discussion on Thursday 23 July 2020 (14:30 – 16:00 CEST) on its latest report- Global Peacebuilding Policy: Analysing Local-to-Global Engagement. This roundtable discussion aims to create space for reflections from those working in the peacebuilding policy space to reflect, learn and share with one […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Racism in Humanitarian Work

Tiffany Easthom (Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) Executive Director) and Fatuma Ibrahim (Transition International & NP Board Member) will host a discussion on decolonising humanitarian work and confronting systemic racism in the sector. Related links: Article: The West's humanitarian reckoning: https://bit.ly/3jrK5IW Reading list: https://bit.ly/2UvYM2F Register here

EPLO Member Organisation Event – CMI 20 Years – Current and Future Challenges in Peace Mediation

CMI is celebrating its 20-year journey. The field of peace mediation has expanded, become more professional, and is now an integral feature of international politics. Independent actors such as CMI have emerged alongside states and international organizations that engage in peace mediation. At the same time conflicts are becoming increasingly complex. What is needed from […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – Contentious Elections, Political Violence & Challenges to Democracy: Lessons from Around the World

Join DME for Peace next Thursday, September 10th at 4 pm as Ashley Quarcoo, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Mike Jobbins, VP of Global Affairs & Partnerships at Search for Common Ground, join the Thursday Talks to lead a discussion on "Contentious Elections, Political Violence, & Challenges to Democracy: Lessons from […]

EPLO Member Organisation Event – The Explosion’s Echo: A Lebanese peacebuilder and Syrian refugee find humanity amidst destruction

In 10 seconds, their world changed. The explosion killed at least 180 people, wounded 6,000, and displaced another 300,000. It rocked Beirut, a city already struggling to find its feet amidst COVID-19, political unrest, and a refugee crisis. As a Syrian refugee and member of the LGBTQ community, Basel Dakak was already facing steep challenges. […]